...Q-tips. I have been pondering this conundrum for a while now. Every time I get out of the shower I use q-tips in my ears. You may think its gross, but sorry…its just something I do. Upon hearing that q-tips are bad for the ear drum/canal I began to wonder which is worse….potentially damaging your ear drums or having wax in your ears. I don’t know if you have ever seen someone with wax hanging out of their ears, but it is like a bad car crash….you cannot take your eyes off of it and feel totally nauseous after seeing it. After seeing one particularly clogged ear canal on a guy friend, I became paranoid about it and became an avid user. Honestly it looked like crusty confetti from an old party in there. So in order to figure out if my affinity for the cotton tipped applicators was ok, I headed over to my handy dandy quick-doc, the web-md blog. According to Dr. Rod Moser, q-tips are so dangerous, they should be considered weapons of ear destruction. The Dr says that a little earwax never hurt anyone, and that it is actually beneficial, preventing infections. Upon learning this information, I have decided to give my ears a little vacation from q-tips. Hopefully I wont end up looking like Zac Efron.
*pic from esquire.com
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