Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dove è il mio uomo????

Translation.....Where is my man?!

So obviously I called Jackie and told her about my embarrassing Notebook sob fest the other day and she informed me that there are worse things in life. Case in point...her mom telling her that for her 23rd birthday she was getting gift certificates to Home Depot because it's a great place to meet men. Ummmm what?! So I said to Jackie, "What are you going to aimlessly wander around Home Depot with blocks of lumber and ask a random man (probably married) to carry it to your car while you try to seduce him?" But according to her mom, Home Depot is a mecca of available men. So we got into a heated discussion on where to meet good guys these days, now that we are post-college career women and the "let's blackout and become lovers/friends" bit isn't as easy as it used to be. I know you can meet guys at work, but I have a very strict "Don't eat where you shit policy". It can absolutely work for some people, but I need my own space and could not deal with seeing my significant other 20 hours a day. Jackie said that she also read that the Millionaire Matchmaker woman, Patty Stanger says another great place is a comic book store. Again.....what?!?! I dont' want to date a pre-pubescent Battlestar Gallactica lover, I want a hot man! But that is Jackie's own fault for listening to the advice of a woman who basically encourages women to be gold diggers and men to be used by them. Buuuuut after all this the question still remains, where in the world do you meet a decent guy these days?

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