Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fab Finale.

I thought the Real Housewives finale last night was soooo intense! While I didn't really think Danielle deserved to be ripped a new one and embarrassed for things she did 20 years ago, she absolutely brought it on herself by bringing the book to the dinner and creepily placing it on the table. What did she think it everyone would have been like "Oh, yeah that was a good read. Sorry for showing everyone in Franklin Lakes, that was so shitty of us." Ummm no biatch these girls do not mess they are never going to admit wrong doing or apologize! She went there looking for a fight and she got it. And how about Caroline taking all the heat for Dina?! She is the biggest bad ass east of the Mississippi. I love her sense of loyalty and 'bring it on' attitude. And on top of it all, we have Theresa coming out of no where and freeeeeaking out. The best part? Joe's reaction. He just held her back, laughed and told her he loved her. Way to back up your woman stud.

Well friends, despite the season being over we have something even better to look forward to.....THE REUNION. When Caroline said she hopes her Bravo family would have enough balls to show everything, I about died. Next week cannot come soon enough.

PS- Isn't Jacqueline's husband like the Greg of New Jersey? Do you remember when Nene's hubby Greg tried to be the peacemaker in Atlanta? Oh this always comes full circle.

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