Showmance. AKA passionate love affair with a television show. Sometimes you just need to block out the world, rent a season of a good TV show and have a full blown showmance. Showmance's come with a warning label though, as they may get intense and completely disrupt your life. One particularly torrid affair with LOST made my friends and I social mutants for about 2 weeks. We ended up watching all 3 seasons in an 11 day timespan. Once we imerged from our hazy state, our cerimonious lighting of the ocean scented candle and persistant Hatch refrences were just considered awkard. Moral of this story? Showmance at your on risk.
*My current love affair is with Arrested Development. More details to come soon.
I have a serious showmance going on right now with the Terminator tv show. Yes, I am a nerd and love Sci-Fi. The season ended on a cliffhanger and they might not return for another season. I feel like I got dumped and don't have any closure.