Eco-Consciousness. It's just too stupid and lazy not to be green these days. Anyone who knows me is aware of my constant strive to be more eco-friendly. If I had it my way I would eat local, drive hybrid and recycle everything that ever passed through my hands...but life gets busy and those things become harder and harder to accomplish. So what's the answer? Start small. Step one is to change out your old lightbulbs to energy-efficient ones...I'm sure you've seen the ads that reveal if 100 million Americans made the switch it would equate to removing 700,000 cars worth of greenhouse gases from the air. Step 2? Stop buying bottled water and start bringing an aluminum bottle and refilling it. I just purchased this one from Target and it is fantastic. Finally, for the love of God bring a canvas bag with you when you shop. Each year, an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide and they are not biodegradable. It's completely up to us to save dear ol' Mother Earth, so let's not let her down. For more eco-conscious tips, visit ecoki.com or greendaily.com.
*Pic from mynewplace.com
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