I know I might receive a lot a flack for this post, but I think these hippie headbands people are wearing look ridiculous. Literally if I looked at someone wearing one sideways it looks like your forehead is wearing a thong. Why would you want to chop up your face and make it look choady? I don't get it. To me some things that become "fashionable" just don't work. I have seen some people look decent wearing one....and her name was Nicole Richie. The average bear just can't pull this look off. Am I totally wrong on this trend? Are these actually cute? This pic --->
demonstrates my opinion. If I was going to wear this trend, I do it more like a headband a la Vanessa Hudgens. On a positive note, I'm digging Ashlee's seahorse necklace in her pic.
*pic from Instyle.com
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