Every year people make lame New Years Resolutions that they know they will never keep. Instead of making myself feel inadequate next December for never working out everyday or saving money instead of shopping I decided to take the bull by the horns and make 2 resolutions that were attainable. The first was to run a half marathon. The second was to read one book a month. Results to be blogged about later. Well number one is fastly approaching as tomorrow morning is race day. I have been training for a hot minute and absolutely do not feel prepared. I picked up my packet today and my race number is 10,028 so I figure there has to be people who are less athletic than me...but the pre-race events did not stablize these feelings. As I was cruising around trying to find the t-shirt stand I was surrounded by people wearing dry fit tees, Mizuno shoes and stop timer watches. Damn, I am so screwed for this. My only hope in finishing at a decent time is my sleeper weapon....my Nike + technology shoes. It is the chip that goes in your shoe and updates your time and distance in your ear. It has totally transformed the way I run. The best part about it is once it senses you start to slow down, it changes your current song to your previously selected "Power Jam" which kicks your ass into gear. I expect to hear mine..."Burn for You" by Kreo during at least 10 of the miles. Friends, wish me luck.
*pic from stltoday.com
Wow, Smalls! I'm so proud of you - a runner AND a blogger. You never cease to impress. My blogging has been a little inconsistent these days but you have inspired me! Love ya, Court