A few weeks ago I went to see the the Broadway show "Spring Awakening". I had no previous knowledge of the show, other than it had won several Tony's and was supposed to be pretty provocative. Well, the show definetly stood up to it's expectations. The show takes place in provincial 19th-century Germany, and tells the coming of age story of a group of teenagers curious about sexuality in conservative and repressed society. The score of the show has a rock feel to it, and I loved a few of the songs, particularly Mama Who Bore Me, My Junk and Touch Me. Spring Awakening is an old time story with a modern message and I would recommend it to anyone. If anything else, download the soundtrack and get your American Idol on.
*A word to the wise though...If you happen to see this show, there is nudity and a lot of sexual refrences, so leave Grandma or the town prude at home. There were several elderly women who blatantly walked out of the show around the 14 minute mark.
*Another Spring Awakening fun fact. The score was written by Duncan Sheik....if you don't remember him check out his 90s hit, Barely Breathing for a mental refresher.
i loved the show! the best song was definantly the bitch of living