I have had 2 really awkard nail experiences in 2 days. #1) So I go to the nail salon to get a much overdue mani pedi (you know its bad when your dad calls you "Gypsy Feet") so I went to the nearest nail place I could find. Well you know its bad when you walk in and see the framed pictures of long acrylic nails with crazy lightning designs holding fake roses, aerosal cans or my personal favorite, the 1989 Zach Morris cell phone. Well I sit down and the nail technician puts my feet in the tub and starts going to town. Well once she gets to the dead skin shaving part she looks up at me and says "You want eyebrow wax?" I said no thanks thats ok. She looks down and mutters "You need it." She then asks if I want sea salt. Same awnser, same response. I'm sorry nail tech.....you are shaving the dead skin off my feet and have enough nerve to insult my eyebrows and sea salt choices?! Get some new tactis woman. #2) So no later than 24 hours later, my friend Kacie comes to visit me from out of town. I look down at her feet and what do I see? A crazy palm tree design planted on her big toe. She goes dont even ask I was bullied into by the lady at the nail place. What is going on here?!!! Did the nail people have a super secret conference and decide to start talking smack to their customers in foreign tounges so that they can get some more commision? I dont know what the deal is, but I know I'm not into it.
*pic from fruitoftheseas
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