Saturday, May 16, 2009

Food For Thought.

My dad is a really inspirational guy. He's wise, encouraging and is equipped with great advice for any and all of life's little problems. When I left school in December and the job of my dreams wasn't waiting on my doorstep, he emailed me this video and told me to "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish." How smart those words were as now I see myself headed down the path I ultimately want to take. As I make my way back up to Champaign this weekend to physically graduate (aka walk across a stage) I'm reminded of Papa Bear's encouragement and the assurance that everything does work out in the end. Steve Jobs gives perhaps the best commencement speech of all time here, and whenever you are feeling unsure about your life or career path, just take fifteen minutes out of your day and listen to his words. Don't waste your time living someone else's life, because who knows what will happen if you follow your dreams.

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