Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lash Lengthener.

At work the other day, I saw a piece on a prescription approved by the FDA to grow longer, thicker lashes. The product is called Latisse, and it's actually a medication that is used to treat Glaucoma, only re-packaged. Their claim is that lashes will be 106 % thicker and 25% longer after 16 weeks of use. You can get it from your doctor, but here is the tricky part...it's a whopping $150 bucks for a 1 month supply. So to get your full results you will have to shell out around $600......um no thanks Latisse. Good idea in theory, but I think I'll stick to the $3 pack of fake eyelashes I get at Walgreens. For any of you out there interested in learning more about this million dollar miracle-gro, visit Latisse.com.

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