I feel like a crackhead for even admitting that I have seen this movie, but my friend Jackie has sent me texts, emails and voicemails recounting our awful and bizarre experience with this film and it is necessary to share with you all.
Fur. This is a movie recounting the life of famed photographer Diane Arbus, and starring Nicole Kidman. Sounds like it would be ok right? Absolutely not. When we were studying in Italy, our photography teacher (who was a couple sandwiches short of a picnic) told us we would be watching a beautiful American film about photography. Obviously we were pumped because we had no TV, and it would be in English. Well friends, here is a breif synopsis of said cinematic masterpiece. Nicole Kidman becomes a photographer. She creeps around in her apartment building. She finds a man covered in fur. No seriously, head to toe fur....like a real life beast. She sleeps with Beast. Shaves Beast. Beast is Robert Downey Jr. The End.
Our teacher cried because the film was so "moving". We cried because we wasted 2 hours and our only movie watching experience on this garbage. If you don't believe me, I have posted a picture (thanks Jack) of RDJ pre shave.
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