Monday, August 24, 2009

Meaningful Mondays.

Mondays can be such a buzz kill. You just had a fabulous weekend with your friends, Sunday is spent relaxing or maybe running some necessary errands and before you know it....back to the grind. Well leave it to Oprah and co. to inspire us all to make Mondays count and really set a good tone for your week. She has developed a new program called Make Mondays Matter, and it is very easy. These little ideas take no more than 20 minutes and are definitely worth trying. Some examples: Stopping junk mail and turning off your tv (both very eco chic). This week, we are asked to write a letter to a member of our military service. These brave men and women are the reason we live a free life, and they need to and should feel our gratification. We may be annoyed that our weeks start with meetings, angry customers or an exam but it is better than dodging roadside bombs or fighting insurgents. Sending this letter is not advocating war, but simply brightening the day of a selfless person who loves our country.

Here are Oprah's suggestions on how to get your letter out:
Select a soldier you know or one who is related to someone you know.
  1. If you don't know a soldier, ask a friend, fellow student, co-worker, pastor, or military chaplain to help you make a connection. Make sure they provide proper mailing instructions.
  2. Grab some paper, an envelope, and a pen.
  3. Write a letter from your heart that expresses your gratitude, shows your support, and provides encouragement. Share a little bit about yourself and ask questions. Avoid such topics as death, killing, and politics.
  4. Include your e-mail or mailing address in case the recipient wants to write back. You could even include a self-addressed envelope.
  5. Send the letter.
My family has been sending care packages to a family friend who was in Afghanistan and trust me, your small act of kindness can really impact a soldier's time served. Get your friends involved, and before you know may even be looking forward to Monday. For more ideas on how to Make Mondays Matter, go to

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