Meditation. Currently reading Eat, Pray, Love and totally inspired to take up meditation. Only problem...I'm not really a Yogi....I think to get in a real workout you must be running and sweating like a swine therefore I never really got into it. But I have slowly begun to meditate before going to bed instead of watching TV, and honestly I've never slept better. Instead of doing traditional techniques, I have made a sort of hybrid meditation based on several things I have read and advice I have gotten from people I know who do it. My mantra is the basic Ham-sa (pronounced hahhm- sa) and I sync these words with my breathing as I'm laying down. Ham on the inhale, sa on the exhale. I start from my head and imagine going down my entire body doing while mentally reciting the mantra. The whole thing takes about 20 minutes and after I'm done I somehow drift off into a deep and peaceful sleep where I have the wildest, these are so out there. But I wake up refreshed. I know these practices are technically not supposed to be used for sleep, but to ignite a religious moment with God. But I'm not Buddhist, and this Italian Catholic princess has found herself a new bedtime ritual. Try it tonight, it honestly works.
*Ham-sa translated means I am literal and deep is that?
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