Remember back in the day, when you weren't cool unless you had a topsytail? I know there have been a ton of henious hairstyles over the past few decades, but this one might be up there with the mullet and flock of seagulls. If I saw someone on the street wearing this hairstyle in today's day and age, I would 100 percent think they had escaped from the polygamist compound in Texas. This is one trend I pray never makes a reserrection.
*For all you closet topsytail fans, you can still purchase the handy topsy tool on Amazon for a cool $5!!! The ever popular Hairdini is also available, but at at staggering $13.
I was always very jelaous of the girls with the topsytail ponytails in grade school and since my parents thought they were a waste of money...THEY MADE ME CREATE ONE ON MY OWN!!! Yes thats right, I had a make shift topsytail. My sister and I would divide our hair right above the rubberband and then use a comb to feed out pony tail through. I am still embarrased to this day!