Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I loathe Ohio State. Seriously.
I hate that they call their school THE Ohio State University.
I hate their mascot.....WTF is a Buckeye exactly, and why should I be intimidated by it?
I hate that they always beat my beloved Illini in football, save in 07 when we beat the then No. 1 team AT HOME....IN THE HORSESHOE (yes I know it was 3 years ago but let a sister rejoice).

I may detest OSU, but I love Mark Titus.

Head over to his blog, Club Trillion. Don't be surprised if you too fall in love. His site has an almost cult like following, and sometimes I'm almost- and I mean almost (I'm no Judas)- want to purchase a Club Tril tee and hope for Titus to get some floor time.

Trill gives a hilarious and introspective look into Big Ten basketball.....a truly great resource for any fan.

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