What in the world happened to Facebook? When I was a freshman in college, the popular social networking site was unleashed and was IT. Everyone loved it, and it spread across college campuses faster than H1N1. Facebook was, I repeat WAS a fun place to upload drunken photos and write inside jokes on your friends walls. Now it has turned into the cyberworlds version of Jerry Springer. What is wrong with people that they feel the need to upload photos of them spread eagle giving birth, or document that they are constipated :( (yes I HATE the over use of emoticons). Also, why do people insist on airing their dirty laundry out for all their 7680386 "friends" to know? Do I really need to know how <3 in looooove <3 you are, or how some loser who didn't call you back after a one-night stand broke your heart? The answer people is NO. Also, stop playing Farmville or taking quizzes about what Golden Girl you are most like. Why don't you volunteer, pick up a book or maybe call a real friend instead of creep on a cyber friend (aka some guy you had a crush on in grade school). Honestly, it scares me to think of how people waste their days and brain cells. Any normal and cool person has blocked their pictures and their info from the eyes of the Facebook vultures lurking on their newsfeed. They know that their real friends know their phone number and their favorite movies already.
Oh, and by the way...Kissing in the rain is not an interest. When is the last time you ran outside during a monsson and made out with your boyfriend? Lets be honest here. You don't have a boyfriend....you spend your Saturday nights on Facebook.
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