Well 2010 is finally here. A new decade, a chance for a new beginning. Personally, I love inaugurating a fresh year...it seems like a clean slate. But when examined further....Jan 1 is really just one more day in our lives. It's intriguing how people aspire to live their best lives at the beginning of each year, resolve to change and attempt to be the people we have always wanted to be...rather than live out our dreams and fulfill our goals. Well, we only live once. This is it, enjoy the ride. Don't wait for a new beginning, create your own.
So my 'resolution' this year is to appreciate EVERY day, every sunrise. Strive to be my best 365 days and not be too hard on myself during the uphill climbs.
On my radar for the winter of 2010:
- morning fruit smoothies
- lots of laughter and good times with great friends
- reading this book on my new Kindle
- conquering several difficult runs during my upcoming ski adventure
- drinking copious amounts of tea
- reaching personal work goals- (and appreciating that I am employed)
- running another half marathon
- channel my inner Ina and make this on a cold January afternoon
What do you have your sights set on in 2010?
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