Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hotel California.

....such a lovely place. I keep finding myself cruising back to The Morrison Hotel. This website houses some of the most introspective and inspiring photos from the music world. How amazing to be behind the lens, capturing iconic musicians in their natural environment. Ok now I'm making them sound like wildebeests, but in actuality you do have a greater chance of seeing a jungle cat live than hanging out with Keith Richards. The prints are available for purchase..... I think a montage of black and white prints would look phenomenal in a bathroom and/or kitchen. How unexpected. How Rock and Roll.

Three noteworthy shots:
The Doors, Los Angeles. (For which the Morrison Hotel got it's namesake).

*Photo from The Morrison Hotel Gallery.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Prophet of Pages.

Don't you hate when you finish a great book? As satisfying as turning that page is, bookworms are usually itching to start a new book, get lost in an exciting story. Well why not let a prophet bestow some new found selections upon you? The website does just that. Just plug in the last book you read, and the Seer will select books he thinks you will enjoy. Click on the options and you can read reviews on Bonus!-- The site works for both Fiction and Non-fiction!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I cannot think of another word to describe this blog. It's just RAD. I am officially obsessed. Diana Miller is a talent exec for Last Call With Carson Daly by day, music guru/bad ass blogger by night. If your like me and get in a musical rut from time to time you absolutely MUST hit up her page. Not only does she put together totally sick playlists, but you can listen to all the songs there before heading over to ITunes to purchase them....or illegally download them on RapidShare (no judgement here... TRUST).

Check it here. NOW.


Ina Garten is my new BFF. It seems her show is succinct with my gym time every day .....and I unfortunately find my self drooling all over the treadmill. She really cracks me up....and I just love how everything she does revolves around 'Jeffery' (you have to say his name with a pseudo drone) and The Hamptons.

Doesn't this Warm Goat Cheese Salad look just divine?

Ranting and Raving.

Ever since purchasing the iPhone there have been several qualms frustrating the hell out of me.

1. WHY DOES THIS THING DIE EVERY DAY?!!?!?!?! My Treo could sustain power for at least 2.5 days, but the consummate iPhone? No. This device bites the dust every 18 hours or so. LAME.
2. AT & T has the worst coverage. If I drop one more call, I will turn into the hulk and open a can of whoop ass at on my local provider.
3. Some app updates require 3G and some require Wi-fi. How annoying that I have to keep switching back and forth while updating.
4. The speakerphone volume is so low. If I'm talking on speaker in my car (hands-free like a responsible driver) I can barely hear the person on the other end. UGHHHH


This post isn't a trip to Negative-town. The iPhone has some phenomenal qualities, so I'll give Steve Jobs his props as well.

1. The Navigation. It's truly unbelievable how mobile this phone makes you. I can google a restaurant, and with one touch, call them to make reservations and then one tap later.... a step by step directional on how to get there from my current location. It's truly a GPS/phone hybrid.
2. It's a social media hub. Facebook, Twitter, Email,'s all there. If someone with an I-phone doesn't communicate with you, it's because they absolutely don't want to...they certainly have enough mediums in which to do so.
3. Words With Friends. An on-going virtual Scrabble match? Sign me up. And that is just one of the THOUSANDS of amazing apps, aka tons of ways to waste your time.
4. Musical Wonderland. With I-Tunes, Pandora, YouTube and Imeem at your fingertips, you've got a jam sesh anywhere you go.

Overall, I LOVE my iPhone and cannot fathom having any other phone. So if you're on the fence, take the plunge into the Apple world....the headaches are well worth the rewards.

You Clownin.

Yes, this looks like the favorite accessory of your average carnie, but my friends it is really so much more. In actuality, it is a precious speaker for your I-pod or personal music device. This is the perfect companion for your primp routine. Just plug it in, let the jams blast and beautify. You can also throw it in your clutch and bring it to pre-games (it fits in the palm of your hand!).
It also comes in a variety of colors, so coordinate accordingly.

**Yuen'to Design's Balloon USB Speaker

Trash Bag Chic.

I know it's about to be soooo last season, but the Chanel Cocoon bag still has my interest piqued. It is such a quirky and unique tote. It looks like a puffy coat turned carryall....which comes in handy, because for some reason I have been lugging around the contents of a small Walgreens lately. Plus it could double as a pillow, and how often can you say that about a bag? Loving Lily Allen's Snooki poof in the ad too. I wonder if Karl Lagerfeld summered on the Jersey Shore?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Skin Saver.

Don't you just love it when friends impart their beauty tips on you? Sometimes you just need someone to say "Oh girl trust me you NEED this" for you to actually make the switch. Case in point: I had been a lotion/chapstick girl for as long as I can remember. When the temperature dips, my skin really revolts. A friend ever so graciously noticed this tragedy and passed on a magic ointment.....Aquaphor. I am literally coating this stuff on my body like paint primer. Legs, elbows, lips...its everywhere. So now I will pass it onto you....If you have a case of the winter blues, try this restorative gem.


This gray, gloomy weather always makes me crave major TV time. After hearing all the rave reviews about The United States of Tara, I decided to give it a whirl. I mean, Diablo Cody, Steven Spielberg, Toni Collete...the roster reads like the creative version of the Yankees. It really seems like a no-brainier.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, the show is about a woman named Tara who has dissociative identity disorder or DID. When she is stressed or upset, she transforms into alternate personalities.

It really resonates to everyday life...when examined, it's apparent that we all have a multitude of 'alters' inside of us....different characters that we call upon to help us deal with the situation presented to us.

This show is edgy, poignant, and funny. There is something oddly endearing about Toni Collette dressing and acting like Larry the Cable Guy. So go ahead, stay in on a dreary day, rent the show On Demand and indulge that lazy alter inside of you.

Monday, January 18, 2010

She's too Big, Now She's too Thin.

I caught this thought provoking article while perusing The Gray Lady (aka NYT) and immediately scampered over to peep the accompanying photo shoot in V Magazine.... shot by the uber brilliant Terry Richardson. The pictures truly emphasize the beauty in body diversity, which is refreshing for the fashion world. On another note, the clothes in the shoot are phenomenal....but V is known for its fusion of fashion and art so I expected nothing less.

On another note, this spread has really opened the communication wavelengths about what is 'plus sized'. I have had several thought provoking discussions with friends/co-workers/etc about the depiction of women's bodies, and what is too-big/too-thin. I think Crystal Renn has a beautiful figure, but based on some reactions, you would think she looks like Kirstie Alley pre-Jenny Craig. Check out the entire shoot and decide for yourself.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, New You?

Well 2010 is finally here. A new decade, a chance for a new beginning. Personally, I love inaugurating a fresh seems like a clean slate. But when examined further....Jan 1 is really just one more day in our lives. It's intriguing how people aspire to live their best lives at the beginning of each year, resolve to change and attempt to be the people we have always wanted to be...rather than live out our dreams and fulfill our goals. Well, we only live once. This is it, enjoy the ride. Don't wait for a new beginning, create your own.

So my 'resolution' this year is to appreciate EVERY day, every sunrise. Strive to be my best 365 days and not be too hard on myself during the uphill climbs.

On my radar for the winter of 2010:
- morning fruit smoothies
- lots of laughter and good times with great friends
- reading this book on my new Kindle
- conquering several difficult runs during my upcoming ski adventure
- drinking copious amounts of tea
- reaching personal work goals- (and appreciating that I am employed)
- running another half marathon
- channel my inner Ina and make this on a cold January afternoon

What do you have your sights set on in 2010?