Uniqueness is important, and there is no better way to distinguish yourself than incorporating fresh words into your vocab. Fun catch phrases gives otherwise ordinary conversation some flavor, which is always a plus.
So today's voacb word is.......Gollum.
Gollum is used to refrence those days when you are so hungover that you cannot move, speak, eat, etc. It's origin stems from one particularly wild Thursday in college when my friend woke up with straggles of hair plastered to her sweaty, vommy, hungover face. One refrence to the infamous Lord of the Rings character and a new phrase was born. So go ahead, take that extra tequila shot tonight, but just be aware of how totally nast you will look tomorrow.
Cool Blog. I also have a blog @ http://www.yourobamaupdate.com/
ReplyDeleteCheers! Andre'
For all of you that are looking at this horrifying picture of myself let me tell you that Gollum is real, and if you don't believe you will ever look like Gollu...then you don't party! No judgement allowed...haha