Sunday, March 29, 2009

C is For....

Candles. There is no quicker ambiance changer than a candle. And lets be honest, everyone looks better in recessed lighting. I dislike candles that smell like any sort of baked good, and tend to steer more towards fresh scents. My all time favorite candle is Pomegranate & Patchouli from Voluspa. Honestly I know it sounds like a weird combo, but the smell is amazing and infiltrates and subsequently lingers in rooms for quite a while. Actually all Voluspa candles are great because the scents permeate from the candles without being lit.

2 other candles worth mentioning are:
  • Definitely the Casuarina candle from the India Hicks collection at Crabtree and Evelyn. If you don't know India Hicks, her father David Hicks was a brilliant interior designer in the 60s and 70s (I particularly love his tablescapes).
  • White Cream by the White Barn Candle Company. Totally refreshing and understated. It was discontinued a while ago, so if you come across one snap it up.

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