Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mini Pie.

I have been doing an inordinate amount of creeping on MarthaStewart.com lately, which I know is a problem. That website is filled with so much information and so many ideas... that I literally get anxiety as I click from tab to tab. Daffodil borders? DIY Felt baby booties? I feel inadequate just typing out some of the Martha-like things that I know I don't have a knack for. But alas, I came across a recipe that looked so easy and delicious I had to try it. These Mini Spinach-and-Cheese-Pizza's are a quick and easy way for anyone to get their Martha on. They only take about 15 minutes to make and are perfect for plethora of occasions.

*One helpful tip- I've made these more than once, and try using whole wheat English muffins for the crust instead of pitas. If you toast them before broiling, you will have a much more crunchy and substantial final product!

Monday, April 5, 2010


Sometimes there are little things people love about themselves. Some are obvious, like bright blue eyes, or insanely long legs. But the physical attribute I find myself exuding the most pride about is a little unorthodox. That's right, I'm a lefty. Anytime someone asks me, "oh, your a lefty?" I beam. And for good reason, only ten percent of people are left-handed- and many are very artistic and powerful. Also, lefty's are more likely to have higher IQs because their brains are organized differently. Peep this list of Famous South-paws:

Barack Obama
Oprah Winfrey
Julia Roberts
Babe Ruth
Angelina Jolie
Kurt Cobain
Edward R Murrow

Sometimes it's nice to celebrate the little differences that make you YOU, even if it is the way you hold your pencil. What little nuances do you like about yourself?

*Image from Time.com