Chatroulette....ahhhh where to even start. I have been hearing about this website constantly....it seemed to explode virtually overnight. Let's be honest...people had to do something while Jersey Shore is on hiatus. Eventually curiosity got the best of me and I gave it a whirl. For those of you who aren't hip, I'll explain. Imagine a
roulette table. Well on this site, you are the ball and land on random strangers (ala numbers) to video chat with. Yes, the idea is creepy/intriguing. The actual act of it is off the charts....literally dripping with peculiarity. Granted I've only been there twice, but in my short time I've encountered a card catalog of pervs and loser college kids (see pic for reference). While this could be really fun to do wasted with your friends while waiting for Jimmy Johns to arrive, it's beyond me why anyone would risk the chance of seeing someone hump a head of lettuce while trying to find the 3 other normal people in the cyber cesspool. I'm not joking....some of these people are waaaaay beyond PG-13. So if you are an inquiring mind or just drunk ....take your
chances. But don't say I didn't warn you.
PS- If you do head over there, PLEASE inform me of the wackjobs you come across.
*Image Via uberpix.net
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